our method

Below we summarize our working method very briefly. Are you interested in reading a more detailed description, click here.

We work differentiated in relation to the individual and his social challenges, with great sense and respect for the individual’s unique character.

The proper care, support, safety and harm reduction can contribute to an increased quality of life for residents, even though the basic disorder still exists.

The tasks in the work are context-, and person-related, and it is therefore important to involve the resident, his experience and personal understanding of quality of life in an equal dialogue. User influence is therefore an important factor in our work.

In our work, we pay special attention to:

  • care
  • to form relationships
  • conflict prevention
  • that the residents are treated with respect and dignity
  • that every day is a good, safe and meaningful day
  • that activities are initiated according to the residents’ own needs and wishes
  • having fun with what we do
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